Henry Orlik b. 1947
Framed H. 87.5 cm. x W. 61.5 cm., H. 34 1/2 in. x W. 24 in.
A slim, streamlined aeroplane dominates the top right corner of the painting as it flies off. It seems to drop, bomb-like, a large boulder in its wake which falls down heading straight for a giant pink cactus flowers beneath it, which mimics the shape of the bolder. A tiny cross protrudes from each point of the cactus flower, resembling the cross made by the wings of the aeroplane. The cactus flower forms the top of a tower jutting into the air. In the foreground, arches of the iconic Los Angeles Sixth Street Bridge seem to be submerged in water; interlocking pointed arches, like sepals of a flower seem to support the rounded arches of the bridge. A stepped bridge emerges from the sea in the distance as if its connecting structure to the rest of the architecture and the city has been submerged beneath the water.