Storm Thorgerson
Framed: H. 74 cm. x W. 94 cm. x D. 2 cm.
The Delicate Sound Of Thunder limited edition print was one of the very first selection of Pink
Floyd album cover designs to be revisited and re-envisaged as an art print by Storm Thorgerson at the very beginning of this century. The Delicate Sound of Thunder is a live album. What was the most, or one of the most, impressive qualities of Pink Floyd live? Storm Thorgerson's answer was that "They presented the verv best in audiovisual experience, the best in good sound and the best light and film show. The very best in the deft combination of light and sound. A Pink Flovd concert was where Mr.Light meets Mr.Sound. Mr. Light wears a suit oflight bulbs (apresDali) and Mr.Sound is surrounded by birds (birdsong) The image is photographed on a Bronika 6/7 with wide angle lens using Ektachrome and available daylight. The suit was prepared with numerous eve hooks attached upon which ordinary unlit light bulbs were hung. The birds were released from behind the far rock at the moment of shooting. There is minimal retouching. The location is central Spain, not far from Madrid." The remaining prints in this edition of archival inkjets have, following Storm's death in 2013, being signed by the original photographer Tony May.